Little girl praying

Maria Teresa Perez,


1 – make a flesh-colored ball, we give the shape of an egg
2 – with the vener tools we shape the nose, raising the tip in the center of the ball
3 – open the Hole for the nose, and we mark the place for the eyes
4 – we mark the mouth, creating two small strips
5 – make the sign to eyes, bell-shaped
6 – insert the head over an ice cream cone
7 – do we do the legs
8 – foot shape to give the finger with the blade tool
9-glue the legs in the back of the cone
10 – we cover the cone with the white paste to create the dress
11 – you make your hands and cover with the white paste to recreate the sleeves of her dress
12-glue to the sides of her dress sleeves
13 – do we do small worms, to create the eyelashes and eyebrows and glue
14 – we color with the dye powder eyelids, cheeks and lips
15 – let the hair with brown paste and glue to the head
16 – put a ribbon on her hair
17 – do the flowers to decorate the edge of the circle
here is our little girl praying

Maria Teresa Perez,

Very clever, and cute to.

Teri, Ontario, Canada

Thank you Maria, this is brilliant and I’m going to find it very useful to help me with my modelling xx
