Hope-World Cancer Day Sugarflowers and Cakes in Bloom 2019

Hope-World Cancer Day Sugarflowers and Cakes in Bloom 2019
Hope-World Cancer Day Sugarflowers and Cakes in Bloom 2019 Hope-World Cancer Day Sugarflowers and Cakes in Bloom 2019

Thank you Catalina for having me, in this beautiful colaboration.
I decided this year that i will use appletree flowers as an inspiration.
For me they are related with spring, hope and life…that moment in spring when everything is blooming is also the moment that we all should kepp in our heart, nomather what life is preparing for us in our travel.
Hope you enjoy it!
Sweet wishes

https://www.facebook.com/sfcbworldcancerday/ #WorldCancerDay #ICanWecan #SFCBWorldCancerDay



So beautiful ❤️🌹 Thank you very much for being a part of this fantastic project again ❤️🙏

Catalina Anghel


Purrre Taste By Despina Vrochidou

Beautiful ♥️

Beata Mielcarek

Beautiful ❤️
