Chef Anthony Bourdain-"Gone Too Soon" Cake Collaboration

Chef Anthony Bourdain-"Gone Too Soon" Cake Collaboration
Chef Anthony Bourdain-"Gone Too Soon" Cake Collaboration Chef Anthony Bourdain-"Gone Too Soon" Cake Collaboration Chef Anthony Bourdain-"Gone Too Soon" Cake Collaboration

I chose the subject of “Depression” as the focus of my collaboration piece. And as an example of a person who suffered from this condition, an American celebrity chef, author, travel documentarian, and television personality, Mr Anthony Bourdain.
We all experience a case of the “blues” once in a while. I sure have, on more than one occasion. There are days when I feel down, have moments of self doubt, shut myself out from everything and everybody. Feel hopeless, irritated and lethargic. I may have a smile on my face, but in reality, I’m screaming on the inside.
This state of mind is a normal reaction to difficult times in life, and although it can last up to several days, it passes eventually.
Unfortunately in some cases those feelings become excessive, all-consuming, and interfere with daily living. They over power a person to the point, where self destruction seems like the only way out.
Depression is common, but a serious mood disorder that affects millions of people around the world. It is a major cause of deaths by suicide, yet it is still a taboo topic and often goes unrecognized


just like him!

JEtaarten-Puur genieten


LaPetiteMeringue by Radha Dhaka

Great piece…

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Beautiful work, SugarMadness! You captured him perfectly and the grapes are the perfect touch!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley