Disney Deviant Sugar Art Collaboration: Lumière & Cogsworth

Disney Deviant Sugar Art Collaboration:  Lumière & Cogsworth
Disney Deviant Sugar Art Collaboration:  Lumière & Cogsworth Disney Deviant Sugar Art Collaboration:  Lumière & Cogsworth Disney Deviant Sugar Art Collaboration:  Lumière & Cogsworth Disney Deviant Sugar Art Collaboration:  Lumière & Cogsworth

“Enchanted? Who said anything about the castle being enchanted? It was you, wasn’t it?”

So I thought: how can I take this enchantment one step futher? Well,.. why not change faces? Lumière and Cogsworth changing faces is based on the movie ‘Face-off’, Cogsworth is shocked to see the face of Lumière on his body! And Lumière,.. well he’s still in a trance. I chose Lumière and Cogsworth because they are funny characters and they complement each other. This is the perfect couple of friends. I love this movie, the characters,…..how they come to life. I love the fact that everything is enchanted in the movie.

Angelique Cake Garden


This is such a fun and adorable piece! Beautifully done!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley

Love, love, loveeee…. Awesome my dear!!!

Raquel García Martínez


Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

I sigh and I am in awe of your awesome talent and make a wish that I was as talented. Awesome stuff!

Psalm 127:1 Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain.