Summer Wedding Cake

Summer Wedding Cake
Summer Wedding Cake

Congratulations to Sean and Becky, on their recent wedding, which took place in beautiful Cornwall. Becky is my cousins goddaughter and I feel very privileged to do this for Pauline who asked me to do her wedding cake. I got great feedback on taste and was told it got totally demolished!

It was a challenge as we are experiencing a severe heatwave in the UK, so had a few issues with sinkage, but thankfully not too much.

Chocolate Torte Cakes, with upper being orange flavour.
Roses, gold leaves and dahlia (my first one) made from cold porcelain.
Saracino cover paste cake coverings. edible colours and cocoa butter for leaves painting.

Thank you for looking 😘😘

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits


So beautiful! 😍

Michaela Kmecová

It is so beautiful, Calli! Your flowers are absolutely alive (as always) and the painted tier makes it super special!

Sugar Sugar by SSmiley

Gorgeous cake, the flowers are stunning!!!

Beautiful cake, Calli, those flowers are stunning!

Bobbie Bakes