Let's Dream Together! D. Quijote the La Mancha

Let's Dream Together!  D. Quijote the La Mancha

D. Quijote deLa Mancha, a Spanish Nobleman, fighting his ideas and dreams on bringing peace to the world is the main caracter of the novel by the Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes “The Ingenious Nobleman Sir Quixote ofLa Mancha”.

I chose it – for the Let’s Dream Together Collaboration by Rosa Guerra – because D. Quijote was present in my life since I was a kid, so many laughs and good moments I got from reading it. My Cookie, totally decorated with coloured Royal icing, were dimension and depth were my goal, was inspired on a Illustration by Jean deBosschère. With it, I wanted to give the idea of a painting exhibited on a Art Gallery! Magic Colours were the choice for colouring my icing for this cookie.
Please visit the Collaboration page here and delight yourself with out of this world pieces by artist from around world. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.182027335785818.1073741837.181770389144846&type=3

The Cookie Lab by Marta Torres