TRUE LOVE - CPC Valentines Day Collaboration

TRUE LOVE - CPC Valentines Day Collaboration
TRUE LOVE - CPC Valentines Day Collaboration TRUE LOVE - CPC Valentines Day Collaboration TRUE LOVE - CPC Valentines Day Collaboration TRUE LOVE - CPC Valentines Day Collaboration

Happy Valentines Day everybody!!! :*
Today we want to share with you our contribution to CPC Valentines Day 2018 Collaboration ;)
Our piece is dedicated to all the lovers in the world, cause there is nothing more beautiful, than to love and being loved <3
We hope you like it as much as we do ;) :*



Beautiful!!!! love the design, the girl and the hearts!!!

By Katherina Perez

Thank you very much, Marlene!!! :* <3


Aww!!! Thank you so much, Katherina!!! :* <3
I am so happy that you like her!!! :)


Thank you very much, dear Sharon!!! :* <3
I am so happy that you love her :)
Hugs & kisses


Thank you very much, dear Tasnuta!!! :* <3


Sooo beautifull!😀❤

Olina's taarten