Beauty in Recovery

Beauty in Recovery
Beauty in Recovery

Feb 1st is my special day. I thank God for another year of blessings and of life. This is why I am so overwhelmed and thankful to be part of this wonderful collaboration. It’s a celebration for a cause.

We are 18 cake designers from around the world who came together to bring awareness and the message of hope for Eating Disorder Recovery.

February 1, 2016 marks the beginning of Eating Disorder Awareness month, symbolized by a periwinkle awareness ribbon.

Our medium is sugar and our message is the hope of recovery for anyone touched by an eating disorder.

You can see all the amazing work on our Facebook page: Please visit the full collaboration at

Thank you so much Shannon Bond Cake Design for creating this beautiful cake collaboration and including me to be a part of it, together with the best of the best in the cake world, I am honored and words couldn’t even describe how I feel.
Dear friends…Help us spread awareness; help us spread the HOPE OF RECOVERY!

This is my creation and my message to everyone “Each day is a gift…who knows where this path will take us, but let us promise never to give up because it may lead us somewhere vast and amazing. There is beauty in recovery."
Have a wonderful day everyone! heart to all — Bobie

Here is a photo of the Lovebirds design in three different color palettes.

Bobie - OUT-OF-THE-BOX Cake Design


Thank you so much Tanya! You are so sweet! Hugs!

Bobie - OUT-OF-THE-BOX Cake Design

One of my absolute favorites of this beautiful collaboration! Amazing colours, gorgeous cake!

Gulnaz Mitchell, New Zealand,

Loved ur cake

Deepti Chandnani

Absolutely Gorgeous. The painting, the detail, and your design are all so touching :)