A few of her fav things.... Lilies and the island of Greece

A few of her fav things.... Lilies and the island of Greece
A few of her fav things.... Lilies and the island of Greece A few of her fav things.... Lilies and the island of Greece

This cake was made for a lady who loves Skiathos in Greece and lilies. She also loves Baileys so the bottom tier is Baileys flavour, the top lemon. The clock tower is the main land mark in Skiathos. The board is made to look like a pebble street. Thank you for looking :) xx

ellie's elegant cakery


Its fantastic Ellie……love all the details, especially your board! :-)

sugar and art - perfect combination! sugarmagic22@gmail.com

As a Greek who visited Skiathos , I have to tell you that you did a fantastic job Ellie !!

Dora Theodoridou

great job!! congrats!

De un Bocado

Aw thank you everyone. Thank you Dora that is lovely to know xx

ellie's elegant cakery