21st birthday cake

21st birthday cake
21st birthday cake 21st birthday cake 21st birthday cake

My 1st internal structure model ….
My friend had sent me photos of her daughter and said that the picture of her with her leg out was one of her favorite pictures,at 1st i said hmmm i think cause the cake needs to survive a decent car journey i think i would be better doing a seated model to be on the safe side as i hadn’t done any internal structure and then I thought come on lets do this!! I’m so happy that I did cause it worked :-D
she had also told me she loves pink flamingos so they definitely needed to be added to the cake too!
I really did love this cake when I had finished,and so did my friend :-D

Hope you like it too x



very sweet…

Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God. Clarky's Cakes 😎

Great job x

Julie Cains Cakes

Well done! Looks brill! congratulations xx

Fantastic design, modelling and I lurve the Flamingos !! This is one of my favs Nina x

Wow!! She is beautiful so perfect cake is amazing Nina x
