Sherya - The Auspicious

Sherya - The Auspicious
Sherya - The Auspicious Sherya - The Auspicious Sherya - The Auspicious Sherya - The Auspicious

44 talented cake artists from across the globe have come together to celebrate the beautiful and sophisticated designs of Indian fashion. Each artist created a cake inspired by a haute couture Indian outfit that is typically worn for elegant occasions. One can see how these outfits can easily translate into a gorgeous cake design with their rich colors and intricate decorations. You can view all the other beautiful creations at:

My piece is a contemporary design incorporating beautiful indian sugar jewels and the buhinaia sugar flowers (orchid tree) representing the beautiful draping of the sari.

Thank you Candace from Beau Petit Cupcakes for the invite and organising this beautiful collaboration.

Mel xx

Enchanting Merchant Co


oh my word!!! Stunning and oh so beautiful! The colours are fabulous x

'It Always Seems Impossible Until It is Done' Nelson Mandela

Stunning interpritation of a gorgeous gown…….love those flowers xx

sugar and art - perfect combination!

Wow!!! This is amazing. Love your design. Incredible. One of my faves

JT Cakes

Mel, you are one amazing artist!! Love love your creation!!!

You must never limit your challenges, instead you must challenge your limits

I love how your creative mind works Mel !!! This is another total beauty … Always so inspired !!! <3 !

Lou, S.Yorks UK