Cat, Yarn & Embroidery Cake

Cat, Yarn & Embroidery Cake
Cat, Yarn & Embroidery Cake Cat, Yarn & Embroidery Cake Cat, Yarn & Embroidery Cake Cat, Yarn & Embroidery Cake

Small birthday cake I made with a request for a cat and purple & pink flowers. The cake is covered in fondant. I found a template for the brushed embroidery design. I piped royal icing for the brushed embroidery. The cat is modeled from fondant and then hand painted. The yarn is fondant as well.

Nicole, California


I love the little cat! He is so cute. I love that he is tangled up in the yarn. Great cake!

Thanks CCBN! This was a fun little cake to create.

Nicole, California

Wow! I love the brushed embroidery. The colors are great.

Thanks PChef!

Nicole, California

Thanks myyde!

Nicole, California

Thanks Goreti!

Nicole, California

Love the brushed embroidery!