Christening cake for a little boy

Christening cake for a little boy
Christening cake for a little boy Christening cake for a little boy Christening cake for a little boy

Christening cake for a baby boy. My knowledge of cake decorating is a bit limited and the stroller almost got me down. Struggled an unbelievable 2 weeks with the decorations on this cake, but it’s done and I hope it looks good enough. Delivery tomorrow! Thanks for looking!

Maggie Gagiano


I can’t wait to do a pram cake, yours is lovely. The first time I try something I’ve not done before it takes me ages! At least you know how to do it now x

You are so right! This is the only way to learn! Have only made 14 cakes since I started 19 months ago! Thanks for your lovely comment!

Maggie Gagiano

Maggie, your really did a great job and all the work dedicated to the pram really paid out!!! It is lovely!!! The teddy bears and converse shoes are also really cute. I am sure your clients will be very happy with it!!!

Marlene - CakeHeaven

Thank you Marlene! Such a lovely comment coming from you really lifts my spirit! Thank you very much!

Maggie Gagiano

Wow Maggie thats really lovely xx

U are gret artis love your work evrting so clean and precise

Thank you Lyn and thank you very much Nivo!

Maggie Gagiano

Beautiful cake!!!


Thank you Susana!

Maggie Gagiano

this is a masterpiece! truly worth the heartache making it. well done you, talented lady :) The whole cake with all the wonderful deorations (and darling shoes!!) is absolutely beautiful xx

'It Always Seems Impossible Until It is Done' Nelson Mandela